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Monday, October 29, 2007

Are you ready to get doggy home?

Before you get a puppy, you should be very prepared for the responsibility that you are taking on. A puppy is not disposable- you cannot just "get rid" of it if the puppy becomes a burdon on your lifestyle. You are responsible for caring of that puppy for it's entire life.

No puppy is perfect- they will all have accidents on your carpet and chew on your favorite shoes if left unattended. It is your responsibility to watch the puppy and to properly train him or her. There is no "dumb dog", but there are inexperienced pet owners that fail their puppy by not properly training them. The puppy should not be penalized for your lacking skills.

If you are not an experienced pet owner, you should take your puppy to classes so your puppy can learn what is needed, and you can learn how to teach. Puppies cannot be taught everything in one day- training is a constant process, and it is your responsibility.

You also need to decide where you are going to get your puppy from. If you're set on getting a purebred puppy, you should check out a reputable breeder. Reputable breeders compete with their dogs in conformation, hunting trials, etc and have titled dogs

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